What’s on…

… in December

Aside from all the usual big cinematic releases, which this month include three of the latest Hollywood Christmas films, the Blitz Cinema will also be screening a performance of Regal Ballet’s The Nutcracker live from the Regal Opera House in London.

The Nutcracker is a timeless Christmas classic which follows a young girl’s mounting excitement as she looks forward to Christmas. Unable to sleep on Christmas Eve, the young girl decides to take a peek at the Christmas Tree in Smalltowningrad. Unable to decide if the real Christmas tree is the one outside the Georgecow Hotel or the one in Jettiski Street, she finds herself lost in Main Street.

There, she watches on in awe, as she witnesses a battle between The Maxman Mouse King and the Bonescracker and her army. The Bonescracker is not adverse to cracking a few nuts in her attempts to reign supreme. Who will win the war for future control of the Festivus event in Smalltowningrad?

The Playtheatre in Easton-under-Water has a pantomime scheduled for the whole month of December, which stars people you may have heard of.

Meanwhile, at the White Elephant Enclosure, the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) has arranged to show two incredible old Christmas films – both of which you can watch in the comfort of your own home on your own television for free at some point during the festive season.

Local amateur drama group Reactive has hired the facility for a production of their pantomime ‘Snack on a Beanstalk’, and friends and family of the performers have been snapping up tickets, which means the SCAM hasn’t had to do anything to earn her salary.

Squire Teflon will be taking to the stage on 14 December as he brings his own particular brand of chaos to Smalltown in the Captain Calamity Squiremas Adventure. A SCAM organised show for which there are hundreds of tickets left.

Later on in the month the WEE will be hired out twice more – once for a musical extravaganza organised by the Toytown School of Performing Arts, closely followed by the Smalltown and Dullbridge Brass Band’s Christmas Show.

The WEE will then be closed for a month from 22nd December to allow the SCAM to enjoy an extended Christmas break. Booking and promoting one event a month is very draining.

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