Mystery surrounds tree

With less than 20 hours to go before the start of the Smalltown Christmas Lights Switch On event, The Smalltown Shops (SS) group are currently awaiting the appearance of the centrepiece to their ‘A Winter War’ event.

The Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council funded Christmas Tree is yet to appear in its chosen spot on the site of the former World Record Beating Olympic Sized Ice Rink in Jetty Street, with residents commenting “They’re cutting it a bit fine, aren’t they!? How are people going to sing carols around Squire Teflon and Mistress Bones Christmas Tree if it isn’t there?”

Currently only a festive Ukrainian Flag features at the spot.

Readers have reported that Squire Teflon and his very close-friend and employer Mistress Bones have been seen deep in conversation, with Mistress Bones clearly gesticulating towards the site and remonstrating with the Squire.

Squire Teflon was later seen lurking outside the George Hotel, possibly trying to work out the best way to move a fully-decorated Christmas Tree from one end of Main Street to the other.

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