Residents furiously furious

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge have reacted with anger to the decision by Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council to reject the proposal to hold a four-day Intergalactic Food, Drink, Craft and Tat Marketfair on Smalltown seafront.

Councillors have been described as ‘dinosaurs who don’t want to see change‘ and slammed for supporting the private businesses rather than letting the residents have something new to see and try.

SomersetClive had to pop to Dreggs at lunchtime to get the office sandwiches, so we took the opportunity to ask residents what they thought of the SaD councillors decision. The comments came so thick and fast that we were unable to keep track of the names of the people we spoke to, but here are just some of the reactions from residents.

“It’s always the same. Someone comes up with an idea to sell some interesting plastic tat and Mistress Bones stamps her foot and gets her close-friend and employee Squire Teflon to reject it, because she’s worried it will affect sales of her own plastic tat. It’s not as she even stocks the Intergalactic plastic tat that would be on offer at the MarketFair”

“Surely this is, against Monopoly Commission rules? Not allowing competition for four days? Someone should do something.”

“Once again something for the masses is rejected by the minority.”

“This would have been a great idea to attract visitors to Smalltown because, let’s face it, there’s not actually anything here for them to do. That’s why they use Smalltown as a base to visit the other towns in Somerset such as Easton-under-Water, Cheese, Dalstonbury and Shower.”

“It wouldn’t have cost the Council Tax Payers anything to hold this event. Unlike the other events that are held in Main Street by Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy’s Smalltown Shops (SS) group”

“Ah yes. Because markets aren’t held in seaside towns elsewhere in the country are they? Very popular too.”

“We often visit similar markets in more progressive-thinking towns. Whilst there we always take the opportunity to visit the shops and cafes in the town.”

“Such a short-sighted decision from our the SaD councillors. They all need to get their eyes examined. There’s a couple of shops in Main Street that do that.”

“It’s always about Mistress Bones and Squire Teflon isn’t it? Never about the people who live here.”

“What’s it got to do with Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council anyway? Sadgebore own the land. It’s up to them. Although I suppose Squire Teflon will tell his mates there to vote against it too.”

“Ooh. Danger. DANGER. Something new.”

“It’s about time those BeFuddled Councillors grew some balls and thought for themselves. Teflon has had it his own way for too long.”

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