Expert to be consulted

Smalltown Retail Expert and Meteorological Genius, Dani Morris has been called in by Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council to cast her experienced eye over the White Elephant Enclosure and come up with a rescue plan.

Speaking exclusively to SomersetClive Miss Morris said “There is only one man and I mean ONLY one man I know who if given the chance by Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, Sadgebore District Council, the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, His Majesty’s Government and Star Fleet Command who could hands down with one hand tied behind his back, three legs in the air and his head up his own ar5e, easy peasy lemon squeezy love him lots like Jelly Tots turn this building around and make it an EPIC and Profitable business and that’s Smalltown Chief Carnivoo Marshall Mr Madley Dangeridge (he’ll know who he is, I hope so anyway, because no one else knows who he is) and trust me when I say he knows how to put on a show and pull off an incredible event.

No one else and I mean NO ONE has the experience of putting out road cones and erecting fencing like he does. He’s the future of the WEE.

The only other and I mean ONLY other option would be to get rid of the backstage area, the stage and seats area and not use it as a White Elephant Enclosure. It could be sold off and the money used for a variety of different schemes which would benefit everyone in Smalltown and Dullbridge.

Or they could just knock it down.”

Miss Morris will be sharing her recommendations with SaD councillors at Hayloft Road Palace soon.

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