Next level accounting at SaDTC

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has taken the phrase ‘creative accounting’ to a new level in an attempt to make the entries in the books look good.

Irresponsible Finance Officer Eileen Slutton explains more. “It’s simple really and I can’t believe no one has ever thought of it before.

I have discovered that it is possible to enter the figure ‘0’ into every box on my spreadsheets. Anyone looking at our accounts detailing our recent income and expenditure will see that I have made liberal use of this handy tool recently, resulting in it looking as if the Town Council has not had any money in nor spent any money out.

This means it has been really easy for me to balance the books and means that I haven’t had to do any of that difficult adding up and subtracting.”

Latest figures for the White Elephant Enclosure detail that absolutely no money has been spent on anything – not even salaries – similarly income during the period has also been entered as zero (although this is probably the correct figure). This careful use of the figure ‘0’ has resulted in the WEE appearing to have broken even on paper at least.

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