Laird Tod boycotts WEE

Laird Tod performing at Dalstonbury

Acclaimed Scottish song master Laird Tod Tartan has confirmed that he won’t be performing at the White Elephant Enclosure any time soon.

During an interview Laird Tod said “I’ve been offered money to perform at the White Elephant Enclosure in Smalltown. However I turned it down because of Smalltown’s poor record with regard to the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

The attitudes displayed in Smalltown are outdated and not something any right minded person should align themselves with.

When I started my singing career back in 1862, homosexuality was still illegal, the United Kingdom (and Scotland) has since moved on, but Smalltown is still in the Dark Ages, so I’ll be boycotting the town until it sees sense.”

SomersetClive understands that singer Bobbie Silliams has been approached to fill one of the many black holes in the WEE’s schedule.

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