First episode preview!

The first Bloodsucker Trial will take place tonight at the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Unimprovements meeting.

Councillors will be invited to consider a proposal for a four-day Intergalactic Food, Craft and Tat Marketfair proposed for Smalltown Promenade at a date to be confirmed in August.

Councillors taking part will be required to try to remember the reasons why a similar proposal was rejected in February this year. However, in the event that they have no idea then they will be allowed to consult any members of the public who may also be in attendance, to see if anyone in the room can remember what happened previously.

Normal SaDTC protocol doesn’t allow for contributions from the public, unless they have registered to speak prior to the meeting. However, in recent months Councillors have had to look to local business magnate, Lex Turkey, for help during meetings, because they either don’t understand what is going on nor know what has gone before.

Luckily for Councillors, Mr Turkey has attended more Town Council meetings than anyone else in Smalltown and Dullbridge and is always on hand to explain Council proceedings to councillors who are unsure or confused.

In February, the proposal to hold an Intergalactic Marketfair was unanimously rejected by Councillors on the advice of Squire Teflon, who felt that trade in tat could be taken from his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones’ Newspaper and Tat Emporium.

The current application details that the event is planned for an area of the South Promenade, with the applicant noting that the proposed site is a ‘wide fully pedestrianised area which will comfortably accommodate approximately 30 traders’. It has not been confirmed if either the applicant or Councillors are aware of the covenant which restricts the operation of any commercial activity on the South Promenade.

The applicant is also under the impression that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are able to issue a licence for the sale of alcohol and that the nearest A&E hospital facilities are at Smalltown War Hospital. It would appear that SaD Town Councillors are not the only ones who need to do their homework.

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