Carnivoo Chairman offers solution

Dullbridge and Smalltown Carnival Committee Chairman Bill Old has offered a new Town Twinning suggestion as part of the solution to the row over banning (not banning) the ‘What a Gay Day!’ entry into the Smalltown Carnivoo.

In a statement issued on AceCrook this morning, Mr Old defended the decision saying “I’ve been really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really busy trying to dream up an excuse that doesn’t involve admitting that I was wrong when I refused to allow this entry into the Smalltown Carnivoo.

And tonight I’m going to have a meeting with the rest of the Committee to see if they can come up with some really good ideas to defend our indefensible decision.

Currently the best I can say is we definitely didn’t make a mistake and weren’t wrong. We disallowed this entry for the greater good of Carnivoo.”

Mr Old then suggested that this explanation would give Smalltown the perfect opportunity to twin Smalltown with the town of Smallford, which features in the film ‘Hot Fizz’.

The ‘Greater Good defence’ worked well in Smallford and was used to great effect to cover up a number of misdemeanours – including murder.” Mr Old told SomersetClive. “I can see no reason why it won’t work here.”

We understand that when Mr Old isn’t quite as busy as he is at the moment he will be writing to Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council about his proposal.

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