Crisis plan revealed

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has revealed plans to help local residents through the cost-of-living crisis this winter.

A spokesperson says: “The Council recognises that many residents will have difficulty meeting the cost of energy and food bills this winter. We have worked jolly hard to come up with some schemes to help out and have come up with several ideas which are most likely a waste of time and money, but at least no one can say we don’t care.”

* SaDTC plans to set up a ‘cost of living grant fund’ to which organisations can apply to support their efforts to help the community.

This will be subject to review of available budgets, most of which we’ve spent already. We will also undertake a review of all the chairs in the staff room at Hayloft Road Palace where, with any luck, we may find some loose cash down the back of the sofas.”

* The council plans to issue advice to residents telling them that to help with energy costs they would recommend turning off all appliances and sitting in the dark. “We have ordered a job lot of candles and will be giving a single candle to every household in Smalltown and Dullbridge. Residents can use the candle to light their homes and families will be able to gather round it for warmth.”

* SaDTC will be sending all staff on an expensive training course to enable them to understand how the Internet works. Currently no one in the office knows how to use a search engine, send and receive emails, or update the SaDTC website. Once staff are able to negotiate the world wide web it is hoped that they will be able to publicise and point residents in the direction of support currently already available online to anyone, as well as keep the woefully inadequate SaDTC website up to date.

* SaDTC will encourage the use of ‘warm spaces’, directing local residents to events hosted by local groups and businesses where they can go to take part in social activities and stay warm without using their own heating.

SaDTC said” We will be working closely with the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) Debby Karmary to offer events at the White Elephant Enclosure. Residents will be able to purchase tickets to a show, at vast expense, but will then be able to attend the WEE to keep warm.

We will also ask local groups who already organise successful events for residents in the towns to consider organising events which might be suitable for local people. We would encourage those groups to advertise their successful local events in order to make them successful.”

* As part of the White Elephant Enclosure Warm Energy Endeavour (WEEWEE) the SCAM will be charged with making a list of attending residents who look particularly frail or vulnerable. Those identified will become eligible for a new initiative to combat starvation.

SaDTC have not released the full details yet, but it is understood that Councillors believe that the Eat A Resident Scheme (EARS) will prove successful.

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