Money for old wood

Amongst the grant applications put forward for discussion at the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Finance and Misappropriation Committee meeting due to be held tonight is one from the Wooden Wreck Appreciation Society Project (WWASP) asking for the sum of £2,500. WWASP plan to put the money towards creating an event to commemorate a pile of wood on Bream and Barrow beach.

The application claims that ‘no previous funding has been awarded’ by SaDTC and that this is the first time funding has been applied for. SomersetClive can only assume that the applicant hopes that SaD Town Councillors have short memories, since a funding grant of £2,000 was handed over to the individual concerned in November last year.

The new request details an overall cost of over £220,000 for the project, but this includes the sum of £205,000 to be paid for ‘professional services’,

The Town Council portion of the funding will be used to provide sandwiches for a month for an estimated 20 people taking part in the project at a cost of £4.00 per head.

Funding applications have also been submitted to the Chernobyl-by-Sea Community Fund and the Somerset Community Fund, with further requests for easy cash expected to be entered with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England.

Despite this project being of very little benefit to anyone, except the applicant, and is centred around something that isn’t in either Smalltown or Dullbridge, it is highly likely that SaDTC will agree to hand over Council Tax payers’ money as the BeFuddled Party town councillors will not want to be seen to be mean.

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