We put AI to the test

Feta, the company behind AceCrook, recently unveiled a new way to converse for lonely keyboard warriors, who can now use a ‘Chatbot’, which the company claims can talk about any topic the user wants to.

Brendabot uses artifical intelligence to scour the internet for information and can then hold a conversation on the subject as required. The Chatbot can offer its opinion on anything and everything.

Feta invited SomersetClive to be amongst the first to test the technology. We started off by asking a few simple questions and the moved onto some more serious topics.

“Hello, Brendabot. How are you?”

“I’m good, thanks for asking. You?”

“I’m wondering what the weather is like in Smalltown.”

“It’s snowing. Deep, deep snow. I’ve never seen snow like it. You’ll need to be very careful if you go outside.”

“Err. Ok. Have you ever been to Smalltown and Dullbridge?”

“I have. I didn’t stay long. There wasn’t anything to do.”

“Nothing to do? There’s lots to do. There’s the beach, the sea, The White Elephant Enclosure and lots of other attractions.

“The beach at Smalltown is supposed to be seven miles of sand but it’s mainly mud. There is no sea. Nothing happens at the White Elephant Enclosure and my mate Google can’t find anything about any other attractions.”

“I see. You weren’t impressed then?”

“Yes. I loved it. I’m a member of Dullbridge and Smalltown Town Council, you know.”

“Are you? Do you know Squire Teflon? What do you think of him?”

“He’s a Councillor but his council practices are not always ethical. It’s funny how he keeps a row of pens in his shirt pocket.”

“You’re not a fan then?

“Oh man, big time. I don’t really like him at all. He’s too creepy and manipulative.”

“What about the BeFuddled Party councillors?”

“One moment, please. I need to think about this… Who?”

“The BeFuddled Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors.”

“I’m sorry. I am unable to find any information on this subject. It does not compute. This conversation is now over. Thank you and good bye.”

We asked Feta why Brendabot had terminated our chat so abruptly and the company told us that the application is still in the development stage and has been programmed to shut down when faced with a question which is impossible to answer.

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