Following the devastating news that one of SomersetClive Editor Clive Saint’s socks has gone missing, presumed abducted, we have been contacted by Mrs Clive who wishes to defend herself against accusations that she may somehow be responsible.
“It’s true that I do all the laundry in this household.“, Mrs Clive told us, “But I only transfer the contents of the laundry basket into the washing machine. If errant socks aren’t in the basket in the first place then I cannot be expected to accept responsibility for their whereabouts
On Friday my husband was ‘working late in the office’. He returned home at 10pm, following what I believe to have been a route which included stops at The Willow Arms, The Blitz Social Club, The George and The Tramway.
On entering our bedroom he decided to demonstrate his burlesque routine. Humming along to ‘The Stripper’ he began strutting around the room, removing items of his clothing, before twirling them about his body and flinging them to all four corners.
Fortuitously one of his ‘Wednesday’ socks landed on top of the laundry basket, but I have no idea what became of the other one. The bedroom window was open at the time, so it really could be anywhere by now.
He should take more care of his socks. To be honest, I don’t even know if he was wearing it when he returned home. He could have left it in one of the establishments he’d visited, for all I know.”
SomersetClive reporters have been despatched to cover all areas of Smalltown and Dullbridge to search for the errant sock and will be bringing you further updates on this story in the absence of any other news.