Sadgebore hit back

Stung by criticism that Smalltown suffers from a lack of water for small children to use to fill their sandcastle moats after Sadgebore District Council demolished the Boating Pond in 2010 the council have defended their position.

Spokesperson Blair Stagg said “We strongly refute the suggestion that we have ignored Smalltown Seafront and neglected the Boating Pond. We spent a lot of money to demolish the Pond.

The newly refurbished toilet block includes a water fountain, where children can fill plastic bottles with water if they want to fill their sandcastle moats or have a splash around.”

Residents of Smalltown have backed the idea of a water feature on the seafront, pointing out that easy access to water would mean less risk of small children and adults attempting to wade through the mud to get to the sea. This would mean that the local emergency services wouldn’t have to spend so much time extracting people from the mud and hosing down their equipment.

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaDTC) Town Council are currently considering whether to add the suggestion to a forthcoming Town Unimprovements Meeting to decide if they should approach the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council for funding.

A decision is expected in 2042.

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