Whilst Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Mayor continues her tour of the area, visiting the various clubs, organisations, businesses and attending any event where lovely cups of tea and cakes are on offer, it’s a totally different story in the neighbouring town of Easton-under-Water.
Cllr Tonia Busse, Easton-under-Water’s Town Mayor, has found her visits to events severely curtailed by the Easton-under-Water Town Council Director of Information and Communications (DIC).
“It’s not fair” Councillor Busse wailed, “I keep seeing photos of SaD Mayor Kelsey Dullard out and about enjoying lovely cups of tea all around Smalltown and Dullbridge. Yet I’ve been told to limit the number of events I attend.
I’ve had to start smuggling my chains of office out of the Mayor’s Pantry in Drove Park in order to attend any events in my official capacity.”
It has been suggested that some members of Easton Town Council object to having a Mayor and that by restricting mayoral activities it will bolster their case for removal of the position as being ‘superfluous to requirements’ .
Meanwhile Smalltown and Dullbridge Mayor, Kelsey Dullard, recently visited the Naval establishment of HMS Smalltown, where she enjoyed a lovely cup of tea whilst sat in a boat.