EXCLUSIVE – Doubling down on the SCAM

The White Elephant Enclosure (WEE) has been a source of concern for readers of SomersetClive since its foundation. As well as Squire Teflon’s substantial contribution to saving it for the nation at vast ongoing expense to the local tax-payer, increasingly the spotlight falls on the decisions of the Smalltown Culture & Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary.

This week’s GAMBiT initiative is another example of the WEE being run as some form of community centre rather than a professional theatre and arts centre. Which rather begs the question, why is Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council on the brink of authorising another £49,994 being added to the expenditure of the WEE to support marketing and programming?

SomersetClive understands the SCAM presented at a closed meeting recently, which a number of BeFuddleds did not attend. As a result Squire Teflon, aided and abetted by professional Councillor Mark Facelift, was able to secure the committee’s agreement to this huge new expenditure. Our spy indicates that Smalltown Temporary Executive Administration Manager (STEAM) Con Slurs, was actively encouraging the spending because of SaD Town Council’s excellent financial position. The incompetent BeFuddleds are meant to be in charge but it is becoming clear with every meeting that they are as bad as the last lot.

At a time of rapidly rising prices and increasing numbers of families in food and fuel poverty, SaD Town Council should think on about this proposal from the SCAM. Who perhaps should do her job better of developing the business, rather than empire building.

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