Four time failed Illiberal Council candidate Mistress Bones has been sacked. Not by her beloved Squire Teflon, but instead by the Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) branch of the Illiberal Party.
After coming last in the elections for Smalltown Posh area of the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, and seventh out of eleven for the SaD Town Council elections for the same area, Mistress Bones has been ousted as Chair. By Paul Runforthe-Hills, who performed even worse!
No doubt Squire Teflon can provide Mistress Bones with both comfort and first hand experience of losing chairs.
It has taken a while for this news to reach
SomersetClive and it is understood it took place promptly and without much drama, shortly after the election. It seems Mistress Bones could teach her idol Horis Gonesoon how to depart quickly and quietly.