We visit the public house with a stunning architect-designed smoking shelter

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This week SomersetClive Editor Clive Saint has put his ear defenders on to visit a pub in the heart of Smalltown.

The Georgia Hotel

Known locally as ‘The George’ this is a pub with a split personality. Ridiculously loud music on one side, beige food and staff running backwards and forwards between the two bars and frequently forgetting where you are on the other.

Dogs are welcome in the “garden”, which is defined by eight hanging baskets, although at Christmas the garden has traditionally been the home of the Smalltown Christmas Tree sent from Norway as a mark of friendship. The siting of the tree has always meant that pub patrons struggle to get beyond the branches to reach the entrance.

Early evenings the pub plays host to the Smalltown Young People’s Club, when members gather in large numbers around the pool table and share a glass of non-alcoholic fizzy pop. At the weekend The George is noted as a popular pitch for the travelling Peruvian product entrepreneurs from Dullbridge who can be found plying their trade to a steady stream of customers in the outside seating area

Previously run by a prominent member of the Illiberal party, it no longer benefits from this political connection so Smalltown Town Councillors have had to find alternative premises to whet their whistles after making important decisions.

Home of the most imaginative interpretation of the “Smoking Shelter” construction and use legislation in the UK.

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