Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to tell of the difficulties they’ve encountered when trying to contact staff and councillors at Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council.
“It’s impossible” resident Hayley Comet said, “Due to the ongoing lack of staff the Council office is only open to the public once in a blue moon. They only answer the phones on alternate Thursdays between 12 and 1pm – but that coincides with the staff lunch hour.
Up until May Squire Teflon used to help out in the office answering the phone between his morning and evening newspaper rounds, but he stopped doing that when the BeFuddled’s took control.
I wanted to speak to the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Armoury, about an important matter, but I was told she’s too busy to talk to people on the phone and to send an email instead.
I’ve now sent four emails and not even had an acknowledgement.”
Resident Peter Skeeter told us “I emailed the Hayloft Road office and all the Councillors, asking a reasonably simple question about a Council matter. I received a single one line reply from Ellen Surly which read ‘I don’t know.’ Not a peep from any of the Councillors.”
We tried to contact staff at Hayloft Road to ask why it was so difficult to raise a reply from anyone, but were unable to get a response.
Former BeFuddled Party Councillor and SomersetClive guest columnist, ex-Councillor Fencesitter later explained “Councillors are under no obligation to speak to members of the electorate who raise concerns with them, so they certainly don’t need to reply to emails!
It’s my understanding that to make it really easy for them to ignore the electorate Hayloft Road have issued every Councillor with a new email address, specifically for matters relating to Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council. These email addresses can be found on the SaDTC website. However, none of them work and all emails sent to these addresses will end up in oblivion. It’s a brilliant solution to the problem.”
Have any readers had any success in contacting the council? Let us know your secret.