‘Love in a Smalltown’

The story so far…
Squire Teflon has helped Mistress Bones with funding for her dream to bring a world record beating Olympic-sized combined swimming pool and ice rink to Smalltown, in return for a favour or two or 16,000. They have agreed to keep their relationship a secret from significant others, friends and the residents and electorate of Smalltown.
Following a hugely unsuccessful opening event, which attracted huge amounts of Town Council funding and small crowds, the world record beating Olympic-sized combined swimming pool and ice rink is now open to the public.

Chapter Nine.

It’s looking very quiet out there“, she said pensively, eyeing the surrounding streets through a small gap in the small marquee’s plastic walls. “Where are all the people? I was expecting queues.”

“Don’t worry my love. We’ve only been open for 24 hours, you can’t expect lots of people. It’s early days yet.”, he said, reassuringly.

“But surely this is precisely the time it should be busy? Everyone flocking to the new attraction in Smalltown.” she said, doubtfully.

Give them a small plastic ice rink in a small plastic tent, charge a small fortune for ten minutes and they will come.”, he said majestically.

Sitting uncomfortably on a small plastic chair she drummed her fingers noisily on the small plastic counter in from of her.” I’m so bored“, she said yawningly.

“I have an idea. Hang on.”

“A way to attract customers?”

“Not exactly.” He reached around her and, after fumbling around under the small plastic counter, produced a small plastic laminated sign. “Wait there” he said, waving the sign with a flourish, “I’ll be right back.”

She watched apprehensively as he walked towards the small entrance hole in the small plastic marquee. What did her Squire have in mind?

Reaching the small entrance hole he stepped outside and fumbled with the small sign, before stepping back inside, pulling the plastic walls behind him and securing the small plastic zip.

“There you are. I’ve put the ‘Closed’ sign on the door. That should silence the critics. They can’t expect us to have lots and lots of customers if we aren’t open.”

“You are so clever! You think of everything. But what are we going to do now? We are stuck in here with only some small plastic penguins and each other for company.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve thought of that too.”

Taking her hand, he helped her down from the small plastic chair, led her around the small plastic counter and kicked some small plastic penguins out of the way.

Lie down on this small plastic ice rink surface and I’ll let you play with my small and not quite plastic appendage. That will pass a small amount of time.” he said.

“Oh my Squirey Squirellness, you really do think of EVERYTHING.”

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