With Sadgebore District Council recently unveiling their vision for the new Re-Imagine Dullbridge Bid (RIDBid), which features wide, open green spaces with trees and flowers, councillors will shortly be asked to approve final plans to build a huge housing estate on an area of Dullbridge which is currently a wide, open green space with trees and flowers.
A recent Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting saw Property Stink Director, Tiny Hammock, give a visual presentation of the plans for the piece of land which was once an area of public open space, free for everyone to enjoy, before being sold off by Sadgebore to the highest bidder.
The scheme has already gained outline planning permission from Sadgebore, after Councillor David McGoat and four of his cronies agreed that selling the land was a great way to raise money for their pension pots “We have reviewed the objections received and it’s fair to say that the residents of Dullbridge, together with the BeFuddled Party councillors in Smalltown and Dullbridge , are very much against the sale of this lovely, natural, wildlife-infested area. But we don’t care.”
Tiny Hammock showed the assembled councillors some pretty pictures of how the development could (but probably won’t) look before introducing a representative from Blockok housing who gave further details.
“We work with our partner, IPEA, to deliver housing which is prefabricated off-site. Purchasers can expect to receive a very large box containing all the parts they need to build their flat-pack home, together with comprehensive incomprehensible assembly instructions in pictorial form and a large bag of fittings which has five essential screws missing.
We will take the current green space and, if there is any room left on the site after we’ve crammed in as many houses as possible, introduce man-made green spaces, because access to green space is important for the mental and physical health of residents
Local residents still remain unhappy about the decision to sell off the site, with organiser of the campaign to save the space, Joyful Rustle, saying “This five and a half acre site is the closest thing Dullbridge has to an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and is the only green space left in the area. Members of the public have been able to enjoy the land, an enjoyment which Sadgebore promised would be allowed to continue until they saw the pound signs. They promised to safeguard the area and keep it open for all, but this serves to prove that they can’t be trusted to keep their word.”