Councillors get a treat!

The girls, back in their heyday.

The very first meeting of the BeFuddled Party-led Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council kicked off in the Recreation Room at the Hayloft Road Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party Ex-Teachers (and Others) with three very special guests in attendance.

Popular 80s singing trio, Bananarama, took to the floor to entertain the new councillors with a medley of their famous tunes. The trio, Kelsey Dullard, Patsy Knickers and Eugenie Cherry, are fondly remembered for their hits ‘He was really saying Nothing’; ‘It ain’t what you do, it’s the way you don’t know what you’re doing’; and ‘Cruel Squire’ and were invited along by Councillor Jock McCads to delight the residents.

Squire Teflon was delighted with the brief performance of his favourite Bananarama track ‘Mistress Bones, you’ve been gone too long’ and was spotted singing along.

Former Mayor and semi-professional Councillor Mark Facelift presented the ‘girls’ with a necklace to thank them and, in turn, lead singer Kelsey Dullard thanked him for travelling all the way from his home in Fridgepond to watch the performance.

(Ed – Steve – when were you born?

1997, Sir.

So you don’t remember Bananarama?

No Sir. Is there a problem?

Yes. That wasn’t Bananarama. It’s the new Mayoress and her two Deputy Mayoresses.

Ah. I thought it was because the rock’n’roll lifestyle had been harsh.)

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