Smalltown Area Ship Hovercraft Helicopter and Explosive Device Detonators saw more action over the weekend when they were called to Easton-under-Water to invesigate another suspect device.
“Once again we found ourselves donning our protective overalls, before boarding our Hovercraft and heading out to take a closer look at the mysterious object which had been spotted in the mud near Easton Pier.
We circled the object several times, before deciding that the best course of action would be to use our specialist mud extraction knowledge to remove the item and take it back to solid ground for further investigation.
Once safely back at the beach we pushed the item off the Hovercraft onto the soft sand and then spent further time walking around it and scratching our heads.
Easton-under-Water was a well known testing ground for bombs during the second World War and there were concerns that this object could be an unexploded piece of ordnance, however, having poked it several times with our specialist large stick with no adverse effects we concluded that it was a NON-BUM (Non-Biscuit Unidentified Mass) and was therefore of no interest to us.
We returned to our base in Smalltown for a well-deserved hose down of ourselves and our equipment before celebrating a job well done with a cup of tea and some Hobnobs.”