‘Love in a Smalltown’

Smalltown Ice Rink, as envisaged by Councillors, following the presentation by Mistress Bones

The story so far
Squire Teflon has offered to help Mistress Bones with funding for her dream to bring a world record beating Olympic-sized combined swimming pool and ice rink to Smalltown, in return for a favour or two or 16,000. They have agreed to keep their relationship a secret from significant others, friends and the residents of Smalltown.

Chapter Four.

“Right sheep… I mean Councillors. We now turn to item 4 on the agenda. The brilliant proposal by Mistress Bones and her request for funding to bring it off.”

‘Errm. Squire Teflon? Shouldn’t you be declaring an interest here and leaving the room?”

“No. There is no Conflict of Interest here. I’m not a member of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events Social Team.”

“No. But. Those rumours about you and your close-friend being seen canoodling in the back of a fellow councillors car…”

Squire Teflon exploded with rage. “We were NOT canoodling. My close friend Mistress Bones had got a fish bone stuck in her throat and I was attempting to remove it. With my tongue.
Now. If we could get back to the matter in hand?”

“Yes. There was that as well.”

Squire Teflon ignored the comment and continued “Mistress Bones has put on her prettiest dress to come here (doesn’t she look stunning?) and ask us for a small grant to cover the costs of bringing a World-record beating, Olympic sized penguin pool and ice rink to Smalltown. I think we should approve it. Councillor Fencesitter, why is your hand in the air? Do you want to go to the little boys room?”

No, no, no. It’s just… well, it seems rather a lot of money to me and… well, it’s obviously a rather good idea.. but… well, it’s a lot of money. Can we put in a clause that the money can be repaid from the profits after the event?”

“I don’t see why not. I was going to suggest that myself. It’s sure to be a roaring success. However, perhaps we could amend the clause to add ‘If SaDDEST want to run the highly successful event in subsequent years they can keep the money in order to do so’.
Also, I propose that once this grant is approved I will join SaDDEST so that I can keep an eye on things from the inside, obviously this will mean that I will have to work very closely with my close-friend, Mistress Bones, so don’t be surprised if you see us together at all hours of the day and night.
Keep your hand up Fencesitter. All those in favour?”

Turning to Mistress Bones the Squire winked and said “There you are my dear. Congratulations. You have been awarded the biggest ever grant by my council. (Apart from all the cash we give to the White Elephant Enclosure). I look forward to our meetings. I suggest we have the first one tonight, where we can celebrate your success.”

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