SomersetClive Editor announces ban

SomersetClive’s (SC) editor, Clive Saint (CS) has announced a ban on acronyms (BOA). The edict also applies to initialisation (TEATI).

In a Memo Issued to Staff Under SomersetClive Employment (MISUSE) CS wrote ‘All Clive Reporters Ordered Not to Youse Minimalisation” (ACRONYM)’.

The memo follows the publication of a story by one of our reporters which contained 94 acronyms and initialisations. CS said “The recent story (RS) which appeared in (WAI) SomersetClive (SC) was completely unintelligible to readers (CUR) and this needs to stop (NTS). Some SomersetClive Audience and Readers (SCAR) are totally baffled (TB) and in a state of shock (SOS).”

The report, which appeared under the headline ‘SaDTC WEE SCAM’, was an indepth look at the WEE truth (TWEET) and part of the story read ‘SCAR in SOS after WEE SCAM reveals SaDTC Mo’FACKERS.’

We understand that the story should have read ‘SomersetClive audience and readers are in a state of shock after the White Elephant Enclosure’s Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager detailed Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s Misuse of Funds And Claims for Kickbacks Employee Reward Scheme.’

Our apologies to any readers who have read this far.

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