Squire censors critics

In a nod to Smalltown and Dullbridge’s twin town of Houng Loww in North Korea, and taking inspiration from Houng Loww’s Supreme Leader Kim Kardashi-un, Squire Teflon has approached Media Tycoon, Michael Maxwell, and asked him to remove all readers and contributors who post content which the Squire considers to be less than complimentary.

In a surprising turn up, he has also asked for any comments which praise his close-working relationship with his friend, Mistress Bone, to be removed.

No longer are residents of the town allowed to mention the sterling work done by Teflon and Bones in relation to the World-record beating, Olympic-sized ice rink. The Mistress’ Chateau Park Jamboree (formerly known as the incredibly successful event The Hospital Fate Worse Than Death) and the 94 defibrillators purchased from the sums raised are also considered taboo.

Resident Leonard Stalin said “It’s very strange that we can no longer mention these subjects. You’d think, with an election coming up, both The Squire and Mistress Bones would welcome the attention, but it seems Teflon wants to silence the local area. He’ll be telling us to stop mentioning the missing ‘Welcome to Smalltown’ sign next. It’s bad enough that he calls any resident who comments on the vast sums of money spent on the White Elephant Enclosure ‘silly’, but this really is a step too far. We have a right to freedom of speech.”

Luckily, SomersetClive has no such constraints and comments are always welcome from any of the ever-increasing daily flow of visitors to our website.

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