What’s on…

At the White Elephant Enclosure

This weekend sees the return of a show which has proved to be very popular in the past with audiences at the WEE.

Smalltown’s Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM) says “I know from previous events that this is something that has proved to be a great success for us and guarantees that the WEE won’t get any criticism for unsold seats for performances. We’ve had a lot of comments recently about whether or not the WEE will ever be self-sufficient in terms of funding – will it ever be a money-making venue or will it need to be subsidised by council funding and grants for ever more?

It can be quite difficult to sell more than 50 tickets for any event here. I know, I’ve tried to find performances and old films that will appeal to different audiences, from tribute bands to psychics, highbrow performances and children’s shows, but the residents of Smalltown and Dudbridge just aren’t interested in our high ticket prices.

So I’m trying something that I’ve tried successfully before. I’m delighted to announce that this weekend Ian Invisible and his troupe of magicians will be appearing on Friday and Saturday at the WEE.

We are delighted to have been able to book Mr Invisible and his Invisible Friends – tickets for both performances are now sold out, which is why you won’t find any mention of them on our website. He’s had rave reviews from critics including one from the cultural correspondent at The Times who said “Amazing. I sat through the entire performance and couldn’t see a thing.”.

We are going to capitalise on Mr Invisible and hope our audience appreciate this unusual event. The show is performed entirely in the dark and features a range of magicians all with different tricks up their sleeves – they specialise in making audiences disappear and for theatres to give the appearance of being closed. It’s sure to be a hoot!

We are also hoping that Mr Invisible will cast an eye over our accounts and perhaps make our losses disappear in a puff of smoke. Although that is quite a feat – I’m not sure that even Britain’s favourite magician, Phil Daniels, could achieve it.

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