Opponents of the plans to provide a 24/7 entertainment venue at Hellhole Holiday Park will gather later today in the S&M carpark to voice their objections and have invited members of both Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council and Sadgebore District Council to meet with them to listen to their fears.
Cllr Mrs NotBothered recently met with the manager of Hellhole, Mr Butlin, for a personal tour of the site and came up with a list of compromises which she felt would address the concerns of residents.
“As it’s an election year I was looking for a cause to remind residents that I exist, so thought I’d pop up to get involved. I am grateful to Mr Butlin for helping me to facilitate this. Hellhole is a wonderful asset to the town, bringing scores of visitors to the area.”
However I’m mindful of the affect that live entertainment 24 hours a day for seven days a week would have on residents living nearby, so in order to ensure that their sleep is undisturbed I’ve suggested the park begin the entertainment from 5pm onwards. These will mean that, if residents don’t have to go to work they can sleep during the day. A number of residents in the area are retired, so this shouldn’t be a problem
I’ve also suggested that the speakers are turned round. I don’t know if this will help the problem, but it’s all I could think of.‘”
Mr Butlin told SomersetClive “Our solicitor made a mistake on the application form. We only actually wanted a licence to cover Children’s entertainment, all the other proposed events that he listed – plays, boxing, wrestling and musical extravaganzas – were added in error. But, hey, now they’re listed, and if they win approval, we’d be able to hold them anyway.“
Residents in the area are invited to attend an open air meeting in the carpark at 5pm. Unless it’s raining.