Squire bids to annex parts of Smalltown

The Sovereign State of Smalltown South Promenade has begun erecting blockades to repel Squire Teflon’s invasion force.

Squire Teflon has convened a secret meeting of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council for Monday, where he intends to outline his plans to annex parts of Smalltown South Promenade.

Spurred on by a small group of local residents, who don’t live in the South Promenade area, he plans to investigate ways to seize control of the area as he believes it could be a vote winner.

Speaking to SomersetClive, Squire Teflon said “The residents of this area refuse to bow to my will and are a thorn in both my side and that of Sadgebore District Council. They constantly thwart my plans to turn that area into a giant theme park. My plans for ‘SquireTown’ which included establishing a 24 hour whisky bar and a mini-golf on ice feature have been thwarted by this small band of rebels and I’m going to do everything in my power to seize the area – including taking it by force if need be.”

President of the Sovereign State of Smalltown South Promenade, Paul Bumblebee responded “I am unsure of the Squire’s intentions here. He knows full well that Smalltown South Promenade has been recognised as a Sovereign State for a number of years, so why does he feel the need to threaten us in this way? Our constitution is a matter of public record, so why the need to examine it behind closed doors? Is he acting unilaterly in this attempt to annex South Promenade or does he have the backing of the Kremlin at Sadgebore?”

South Promenade residents are currently erecting barriers to prevent incursion by the Squire’s troops.

SomersetClive are amongst those banned from attending in the meeting, so we will be unable to update this story.

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