(and he’s not happy about it, because he’s had to write this whilst he’s on his holiday in Scunthorpe.)
It has been brought to Clive’s attention that a member of Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council has recently commented that he believes we are putting people off standing as candidates in the upcoming elections.
Clive would like to reassure readers that we most certainly do not have that intention. Quite the opposite, in fact.
We believe that Councillors should be accountable to the electorate and if their actions as councillors call the council into disrepute then it should be brought into the public arena for all to see.
Councillors who abuse their position by using bullying and harassment to intimidate residents and fellow councillors have no place in politics.
Similarly those Councillors who condone this type of behaviour should take a long, hard look at themselves and realise that they are entitled to have an opinion of their own.
If the 17 others can’t answer the question as to why it has been necessary for threads, posts and SomersetClive to be written, then they are also part of the problem that needs to be addressed
If councillors continually make the same mistakes then they must expect the electorate to have an opinion. We are the ones to whom councillors and staff answer. Why should we sit back and allow them to behave like this in our name?
Clive believes that we desperately need new blood to stand against those who seek to abuse us. We would encourage anyone interested to help make the change.
Bullies only win if you don’t stand up to them.