Several interesting items have appeared on the agenda for the upcoming Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council meeting. One in particular has led to accusations of ‘pot, kettle, black’ amongst residents.
Councillors will be asked to agree that they understand the position of the council with regards to harassment and bullying of its ’employees and councillors’ . Councillors have been directed to an external website to help them refresh their memories on the standards required. The document, ‘Civility and Respect Project’, highlights the need for ‘civility and respect to be at the heart of public life’ and further suggests that ‘intimidation, abuse, bullying and harassment of councillors, clerks and council staff, in person or online, is unacceptable, whether by councillors, clerks, council staff, or public members’ as such behaviour could ‘undermine public confidence and trust in local democracy’ .
It calls for councils to support an Early Day Motion, which has been tabled by an MP for discussion in Parliament, which includes ‘sanctions to deal with local councillors who have been found guilty of bullying and harassment following an independent investigation’.
Interestingly the link to the external website makes no mention of councils having a ‘zero-tolerance position’ on bullying and harassment directed by councillors towards members of the public, suggesting that residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge can expect a much lower level of protection when it comes to being on the receiving end of abuse. .