Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council have hastily convened a Planning and Scheming Meeting to discuss the application by Hellhole Holiday Park for a variation to their licence in order to hold events at all hours of the day and night and to serve alcohol.
Local residents who want to comment on the plans have just over 24 hours to register with the Town Council clerk if they want to speak for their alloted three minutes.
SomersetClive will be attending the meeting and will bring you the decision of the Councillors as well as their comments.
We await with baited breath to see if Councillor Barking comments on the number of parking spaces, or if Cllr Mrs Fencesitter ponders the external decoration of the stage area. Will Cllr Football bother to turn up, since the application doesn’t mention building industrial units, and will Cllr Slurry worry about the wildlife?
Cllr Pennyfarthing will be attempting to keep order and Squire Teflon is expected to give his whole-hearted support to the scheme as it includes the words ‘alchohol’ and ‘bar’.
Don’t forget Cllr Synn worrying about pastel colours.