More weather ahead


The Department of Wind and Precipitation has confirmed that there is most definitely more weather to come,

“There is no doubt that we haven’t seen the end of the weather yet, as Hurricane Gail sweeps across Somerset, bringing rain, ice, wind, sun and possibly even SNOW to the region. It’s going to be very cold but, at the same time, quite warm.

It is highly likely that Smalltown and Dullbridge will see further storm damage, compounded by flooding, ice-rink conditions, six foot snow drifts and drought. We are advising everyone to move their tables to higher ground and remain safe.

Look on the bright side – without the weather what would we all talk about?”

SomersetClive understands that there is a 0.001 percent chance of snow in the region, but that’s not going to stop us advising readers to dig out their hats, scarves, gloves and sleds in preparation.

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