Your chance to close a road

Sadgebore District Council is reminding residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge that if they are planning a street party to celebrate the Queen’s Titanium Jubilee then they need to apply for a road closure notice before it is too late.

“It takes us an unordinarily long time to process the paperwork for a temporary road closure, so time is running out to get the notices issued. It doesn’t cost anything to apply, so we would advise residents to get their applications in now, even if the planned party doesn’t go ahead.”

SomersetClive understands that Sadgebore have already processed several road closure notices, including one for a mile long stretch of Barrow Road, which will be closed as residents vie to compete for the title of ‘UK’s Longest Street Party’.

Other road closures are planned for Kidlington Street, The Groove, White Elephant Street and Queens Road. Plans for a giant bonfire in Kidlington Street are progressing well, whilst a drag racing event along Queens Road is already at an advanced stage, with several Drag Queens already booked to take part.

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