The feel-good story of the rescue of a wild animal, which had inadvertently fallen into a person hole in Dullbridge, by Illiberal Party candidates Jim Woodenman and Alan Incendiary has gained wide media coverage.
Woodenman and Incendiary were out and about delivering junk mail when they spotted a broken person hole cover.
“Look at that!” Woodenman exclaimed, “You’d have thought Somerset Cuonty Council would have fixed that.”
Incendiary agreed, replying “We should get on to the Suitcase Holder for Roads and Transport (RAT) and ask him to sort that out. It’s the sort of thing that could win us votes!”
“Good idea. Who is the RAT?” Woodenman queried.
“Umm. I think it might be you.”
Closer inspection of the hole revealed that a small Rattus Norvegicus had fallen through the broken person hole cover and was stuck. Woodenman and Incendiary sprang into action, working together to call around the local media outlets to arrange a photo opportunity, before grabbing the poor creature and posing for the cameras, making sure to display their leaflets prominently.
Unfortunately the rat didn’t survive the ordeal.