Dullbridge residents ‘baffled’ by road closure

Several residents in Dullbridge have contacted SomersetClive to express concern over the road closure in Cathedral Street.

Although the metal signs say the road will be closed from 5.00pm, the portable light – up signs clearly stated that it would be shut from 6.30pm. The workmen closed the road at 5.00pm. It’s not right.” said one.

When I tried to drive through at 6.00pm I found the road blocked with barriers, yet the light–up sign clearly stated it would be open until 6.30pm. I had to park my car and walk.” claimed another.

A Somerset Cuonty Council spokescone fot the Department of Road Maintenance and New Things (DORMANT) reminded residents that Smalltown Road will be closed from 6.30pm every night, but then added that it might well be 5.00pm, they can’t quite remember. When SomersetClive queried if they meant Cathedral Street rather than Smalltown Road the spokescone said “Why are you asking me? I don’t know, do I? I don’t have a road map of the area.”

A 94 mile diversion route is in place.

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