Squire takes on SMUG role.

Following the departure of the Smalltown Media and Uproar Genius (SMUG) Squire Teflon has decided to do the job himself. He has started by continuing his campaign against AceCrook local discussion groups and this time his targets have been Smalltown and Dullbridge residents.

Incensed by comments expressed regarding the Squire’s hero, Horris Monsoon, and the damage that could do to local Illiberal Party candidates in the forthcoming elections the Squire went on the offensive.

Always quick with the personal comments” he typed in reply to one poster, before unleashing a barrage of personal comments towards them.

What have you ever done for this town?” he questioned, conveniently forgetting the existence of Dullbridge.

“Did you save the White Elephant Enclosure? Ensuring a major drain on Council Tax resources for many years and costing residents hundreds of thousands as well as swallowing up all the available grant funding?”

“Did you bring the incredibly popular ice rink to the town, convincing your colleagues that it would be money well spent from council reserves, before hiding the rink, never coming clean about what happened to the money raised and never mentioning it again?”

“Have you ever ensured that your close-friend gets special dispensation when it comes to getting funding for things such as ice-rinks or Christmas events?”

“Do you work closely with members of council staff to make sure that decisions are made before being presented to other councillors?

“Have you ever refused to pay the greedy landlords of rental properties to help with the ideal of an even distribution of wealth?”

Teflon finished off his rant by once again declaring that admins of AceCrook groups had it in for him and were changing his posts, because he most definitely did not remember typing any derogatory comments.

SomersetClive would advise the Squire to steer well clear of social media after imbibing too much Albanian Whisky.

2 thoughts on “Squire takes on SMUG role.

  1. As a moderator of the AceCrook discussion group I applaud this post! Teflon he may be, but some things will sting him back 🐝

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