Councillors object

Artist’s Impression of the proposed units

After enjoying a refreshing slice of takeaway pizza during this week’s Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Planning and Scheming meeting, things became very animated as councillors discussed a proposal to build 94 small business units on land near Dullbridge.

Cllr Phil Football, proprietor of the nearby Apple Tree Business Park said “This would be a massive over-development in the area and could seriously affect my plans to over-develop my own land.”

Cllr Parking commented “I think building start-up units for small businesses is a great idea, but I have to question whether building them on an industrial estate, full of similar buildings, is a good idea. I’m not sure it’s the right place for them.”

Cllr Slurry pleaded “Won’t somebody please think of the hedgerows?”

Eager to join in Cllr Teflon said “I don’t have an opinion, but feel I should say something.”

Chairman of the committee Cllr Pennyfarthing summed up the objections. “Although it’s difficult to come up with any valid objections to this plan I do feel that we need to object on behalf of our colleague Cllr Football. Therefore we will recommend refusal on the grounds that this is an over-development. Adding more industrial units to an estate of industrial units is a ridiculous idea.”

Councillors voted to notify Sadgebore District Council – who will make the final decision – of their objections, which history shows will be totally ignored.

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