New search party to be formed?

Plans are afoot to replace Smalltown and Dullbridge’s Missing Person, Tim Teepee, with a new Missing Person based in nearby Fluidbridge and local residents are being asked for their opinions.

The thing is, Fluidbridge’s Missing Person has been missing for a lot longer than Mr Teepee” said a spokesperson for the Change Things for the Sake of it Commission (CTSC) .

“Here at the CTSC we recently gave a map of the area and a brand-new set of colouring pens to a chimpanzee and encouraged the animal to draw up some new boundaries. This led to the realisation that Fluidbridge’s Missing Person has been missing for so long that no one can remember his name.”

The CTSC are now seeking opinions from the public as to whether or not residents should join forces with Fluidbridge to form a new search party to look for him.

“We want people to let us know what they think of the idea. So we are holding some public meetings as far away as possible to make it difficult.”

The meeting to discuss the option for Smalltown and Dullbridge will be held on 29th February in Twatt on the Isle of Orkney. Places must be booked in advance and tickets are available on the CTSC website.

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