Christmas. The season that keeps on giving


SomersetClive has been contacted by concerned local residents about the Smalltown Christmas lights display as well as the single Dullbridge Light.

Even though it is closer to St Valentine’s Day than Christmas Day, the lights remain erected. SomersetClive notes that Smalltown & Dullbridge Town Council is spending £94,000 over a three year period on this display but this does not seem to include prompt service.

When the Smalltown Chamber of Trade was in charge of the installation at dramatically lower cost the lights would be down by the end of the first week of January.

Asked for a comment the Smalltown Media & Uproar Genius (SMUG) replied “We will get round to it. We’ve been too busy cancelling meetings, failing to set up a Youth Council, and co-opting Councillors this month to do anything meaningful.”

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