Councillor Fencesitter had a shock a few days before Christmas when he woke up to discover there were two of him.
He told SomersetClive “I was contacted by friends on AceCrook who told me that they’d received a ‘friend request’ from me, which was strange, because we were already friends. Investigation into the matter revealed I’d been cloned and where there had been one, there were now two!”
“It was suggested that I report the incident to AceCrook and get the other me removed, but I decided not to do that when I realised that having two mes would be very useful.”
“Now I can actually come down from my fence, yet still express opposing views. One of me can agree with everything the ruling party proposes and the other me can disagree. It’s a win-win situation.”
“I’m hoping that more clones of me will turn up so that the BeFuddled party will be able to field candidates in every ward in the upcoming elections in May.”