Smalltown Shops grumble back into life

A recent post on the Smalltown Shops (SS) AceCrook page indicates its intentions to participate in the forthcoming Titanium Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria III. Information on the nature of the plans (to discontinue? – Ed) will be forthcoming at a later date.

The SS meanwhile has been silent on the current roadworks afflicting Smalltown Centre. On the SS LotsCrap Group Lady Penelope Brassy of Easton under Water is reported to have said “Problems north of Institute Street and a one way system on George Street? There aren’t any businesses up there anyway, why should we do anything to help?

Perhaps Lady Brassy meant to say there won’t be any businesses left up there on George Street by the end of the forecast two months of chaos.

Meanwhile SomersetClive speculates that this is all a ruse to deflect attention from the political intentions of persons associated with the SS at the forthcoming elections for the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.

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