Red Ruby Garden Centre to Expand

A selection of plants on sale at Pebblers

Work is set to start on a major refurbishment of out of town shopping destination, Pebblers Garden Centre, by owners Red Ruby.

A spokesplant for the store told SomersetClive “Now that Christmas is over we can move all our unsold Christmas stock back into storage, which will give us space for a much-needed revamp of our sales areas. Work will commence immediately and will include the development of a new indoor retail area tucked away in a dark corner at the very back of the centre. This new area will house the gardening department and offer our customers a novel shopping experience as we plan to sell gardening tools and a few plants.

We hope that we will eventually be able to offer gardening equipment as it has become increasingly clear that many of our customers come here in an attempt to buy items such as spades, trowels and watering cans which, due to space restrictions caused by the sale of general tat and cut-price books, we haven’t had room for.

There are also plans in place for a full refurbishment of the main restaurant including a larger outdoor seating area. This will be achieved by taking out the majority of the current plant-sales area as we believe people come to our garden centre for food and not plants for their garden.”

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