A cunning plan?

Following Squire Teflon’s tears over his absence from the New Year’s Honours List, SomersetClive has received details of a covert plan from Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council to cheer up the Squire.

Cllr Handy-Bodge’s decision to cancel the forthcoming Town Destruction Committee has been revealed as having disturbing motives.

SaD Town Council has failed to request nominees this year for its annual Community Awards. In a year when community actions during the Omegavirus pandemic might be more noteworthy than normal, this matter was due to be considered at the now cancelled meeting.

The robust procedures in place to deal with such eventualities mean the Squire is now in charge of all matters relating to Town Council business.

It is expected that the Squire will use this opportunity unilaterally to reward himself, Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water with Community Awards for services to Smalltown Town Centre devastation following the damage caused by the failed ‘Ignite Smalltown’ event conspired by the prize winners.

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