Prowler Spotted

Artist impression of the man police want to speak to.

Police are warning residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge to be extra vigilent after they received reports of a heavily-disguised man prowling the streets, possibly looking for victims.

Several concerned residents had dialled 999 after spotting the man lurking around gardens with a clipboard.

He is described as ‘rather weasley-looking’ and was wearing a festive red jumper and Santa hat. Several people also claimed that he was carrying an assortment of ballpoint pens.

One resident who spoke to him said “He claimed to be judging a Christmas Light competition, but I’m certain that was just a cover story, because I saw him loitering around outside the Smalltown Home for Single Mothers and they haven’t got any Christmas lights.’

Another resident told how the man was “Obviously not Father Christmas, because he didn’t have a snowy white beard. Instead he was wearing a mask to disguise his face. I did wonder if it was Squire Teflon, but I couldn’t be certain.”

A Police spokesperson said “We appreciate that some people may be worried by this, but we would ask that residents remain calm. We have increased patrols in the area and are confident that we will catch the perpetrator in 2025.”

An artist’s Impression of the man has been released and police are asking people to report sightings by calling 101 and quoting reference PERVERT.

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