Councillor ‘shocked’

The Card received from Tim Teepee

Councillor Fencesitter has admitted that he was ‘shocked, but delighted’ to have received a handwritten Christmas card from Smalltown’s Missing Person, Tim Teepee.

“You could have knocked me off my fence with a feather“. Cllr Fencesitter told SomersetClive. “I thought he was a myth, bit it seems he really does exist. I wonder if I can persuade him to stand as a candidate for the Pointless Party in the 2022? I think he’d be quite good at the job.”

Councillor Fencesitter says that the card, which features a festive scene depicting jubilant Jihadis jigging as an RAF Hercules C130 transport plane takes off from Kabul Airport in Afghanistan, has now been cut in half so that it can be displayed either side of his fence.

Have you received a card from Tim? Let us know in the comments.

One thought on “Councillor ‘shocked’

  1. As I’m only a pleb I doubt Tim Teepee even knows I exist. So I didn’t get a card and in any case I’d rather believe in Father Christmas – at least he shows up once a year

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