Missing Person pops up again

Last known hiding place of Missing Person Tim Teepee.

Smalltown and Dullbridge Missing Person, Tim Teepee, has been spotted again – this time voting for something in London. He popped up briefly to side with the government on a matter that was possibly important but, then again, may not have been.

After the vote he contacted SomersetClive from his secret hideaway to tell us why he had voted yes to the current proposal. “Well, basically, my lord and master Horace Monsoon told me that it’s very important for my career that I do as I’m told.

I know from the many emails that I’ve received that the residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge feel really strongly about this, with some threatening to never vote for me again. Horace made it quite clear that this was a free vote, but that if I didn’t side with him I could kiss my hopes of attaining the lofty heights of my political ambition goodbye.”

Tim went on for a good while about this, but we put the telephone receiver down on our desk and went off to make a coffee, only returning to replace the handset when we were certain he’d gone back into his cave.

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