Councillors still Confused

Confusion still reigns over the resignation from the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council of Cllr Ellen Proves.

Cllr Proves, the Dullbridge Liberation Front representative, tendered her resignation a few days before receiving a letter from the SaD Town Clerk to tell her that she’d been fired.

At tonight’s SaDTC meeting the matter was discussed briefly, with the Town Clerk telling the assembled Councillors “It doesn’t really matter if she resigned or was expelled. The fact is that she is no longer a thorn in our sides and we can get back to doing whatever the hell we want without anyone trying to stop us. Her rexpulsionation should come as a huge relief to all of us.”

Several town councillors were observed to mop their brows and a collective “Phew” was heard to echo around the Hayloft chambers.

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