Please Sir, can I have some more?

The Smalltown Shops (SS) has announced that it intends to surprise the residents of Smalltown & Dullbridge. (Editor – by disbanding? Please?) The SS has set up a countdown clock in Main Street ready for the reveal of whatever nonsense is planned next.

Commenting, Lady Penelope Brazen-Brassy-Bashful-Boredom-Bugger-Off of Easton-under-Water says: ‘You can all be grateful that the failing shops of Smalltown are willing to open a bit later on three evenings prior to Christmas.’

No doubt the usual suspects of the Squire, Mistress, Bodge, and Trolley will all be dusting off their best Father Child-Catchermas outfits for whatever is planned.

SomersetClive will be reporting on this story as it develops. ** Stay tuned **

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