Cheese Festival duo attend opening


Margo and Barbara Farmhouse-Kitchener, the brains behind Smalltown’s successful Cheese Festival, have returned home after attending an auspicious Envelope Opening held in the grounds of the Smalltown Sorting Office.

Margo said “It was amazing. We couldn’t brielieve it when we saw the red card on the doormat inviting us to pop along to the Sorting Office for the event.”

Barbara gushed “It was a very special day and we were really grateful for the chance to attend. We had to ring a bell to gain admittance and, once inside, we were handed the envelope and it was an absolutely grilling moment because we were allowed to open the envelope immediately! It was all a bit hush-hush though – we were the only people there, which was a little bit disappointing.”

The envelope opening comes only two weeks after the duo were invited to attend the opening of a packet of crisps.

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