Gangs of disaffected youths in Smalltown and Dullbridge have wrought havoc in the towns, with the Smalltown Posse pushing over a bin near to their contested border with the Dullbridge Crew.
Seaside Drive has long been a turf bitterly fought over between the two gangs and the Crew’s leader, Ice-Barry, has vowed revenge on their hated enemy and says they will “get” them in the playground after.
The Posse’s leader Notorious Sid said something to the SomersetClive reporter in response, but he couldn’t understand what Notorious said and it was drowned out by the sound of some Drill music coming from the tinny speaker on his phone anyway, so who cares.
Ice-Barry revealed that he planned to ride past Notorious Sid really closely on his bicycle and knock his baseball cap off while avoiding Notorious’ signature “dead-leg” attack.
Notorious responded by saying that if he did his mum would: “call the 5-0, y’getme, fam”
The newly elected Crime Commissioner Mike Shellsuit said “The police will be taking immediate action by setting up a youth club within twelve months. The club will run between 4-5pm on the first Tuesday of each month except during the summer holidays.”
Negotiations to calm the disturbances were curtailed after the two gangs were called in for their tea.